Oscilloscopes and mixed-mode logic analyzers


Oscilloscopes and logic analyzers are important tools for the maker to debug their creations when they don't work. Both have different uses and different strengths. For the same money, an oscilloscope will show better analog waveforms with higher bandwidth abilities. However, having a mixed-mode logic analyzer will show the lower frequency signals equally well and will let you look at a lot more than just two channels at once.

I find myself using the logic analyzer more than the oscilloscope, but when I need to really see what is going on, there is no substitute for an oscilloscope.

Coming Next Column

Several people have asked about building nice-looking graphs on a Raspberry Pi. In my next column, I'll explain how to install and use MatPlotLib on a Raspberry Pi and how to make nice graphs, all while reading from a database!

If you have a suggestion for a column or would like to see a specific board or product reviewed, please send email to me at mailto:raspigeek@switchdoc.com. If you have specific questions to ask, please post on the SwitchDoc Blog (http://www.switchdoc.com) so everybody can learn from your question. I'll be picking the best question and answering it the next SwitchDoc Labs column.

Questions & Answers

I am building a solar powered Raspberry Pi using the SunAir solar power controller from Raspberry Pi Geek magazine [SunAir issue] and I am wondering if implementing solar tracking is worth the work? Geoff H.

Great question. Tracking the sun will give you about 24%-32% improvement over a fixed array solar panel. This is because you lose about 75% efficiency during the morning and evening when the sun isn't directly pointing at the panel. In a future SwitchDoc Labs column, we will build a two panel solar panel system and measure both the fixed panel and the tracking panel to see the results experimentally, plus use a cool stepper motor.

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