Hack your own Steampunk Arduino/LCD name badge
As a technology speaker, I spend a lot of time talking to people at conferences, and I like to have some gizmo to hand folks as a conversation starter. This works out well, because I'm frequently writing a story about or building a project with the device. Physical hardware and one-off gadgets are absolute geek magnets.
When I received a tiny color LCD display for Christmas, the idea of a programmable name badge immediately came to mind. An unusual name badge would certainly grab people's attention and could be made reconfigurable, so I could change my message, logo, or graphics as needed or even through sensor inputs. Building and using your own projects adds considerable credibility to your story.
I'm also a big fan of Steampunk, and what better way to stand out than to apply that aesthetic to a project? Steampunk encourages lots of creative freedom in the design, and combining Victorian-era elements with modern electronic technology is challenging and just good, clean fun.
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