The Pi Wire

© Martin Malchev,

The Pi Wire

In the news: Pi weather station; BBC Micro Bit boards, and Picademy update. 

New Weather Station Project for Schools

The Raspberry Pi Foundation and IT titan Oracle are collaborating on a new project designed to help schools encourage students to learn to program. The Oracle Academy Raspberry Pi Weather Station project will provide 1000 Raspberry Pi weather station kits for schools around the world.

The program is intended for students in the 11-16 age group. In addition to assembling the kit, the students will write their own code for tracking weather conditions. Online technical support will be available through the project website.

According to Eben Upton, "This ambitious project adds another string to the Raspberry Pi bow, using the Raspberry Pi to introduce children to the art of data management and SQL. The kits themselves are really exciting, containing everything you would expect from a fully-functioning weather station. We're confident that students will find the project a very engaging way of learning new and useful skills, and that they'll have a lot of fun in the process."


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