Protect your electronics from lightning strikes
Lighting is an incredibly interesting example of electricity on a grand scale. When an electrical storm is on its way through, however, you'll want to unplug your electronics so they aren't fried by lightning strikes. One way to protect your electronics is to employ a lightning detector.
I was excited to find a reasonably priced I2C lightning detector, the MOD-1016 from Embedded Systems [1], which is an excellent I2C breakout board based on the AS3935 integrated circuit. I decided to incorporate the lightning sensor into the hardware and software for my solar-powered, WiFi-connected weather station, the WeatherPi [2].
The WeatherPi was designed by SwitchDoc Labs and is a great system on which to build and tinker. The system is adaptable, and all source code is included. The WeatherPi includes the following important functions:
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