From Wheezy to Jessie
The upgrade from Raspbian 7.8 ("Wheezy") to Raspbian 8.0 ("Jessie") is fairly simple and only takes a few shell commands. We guide you through the process.
The upgrade from Raspbian 7.8 ("Wheezy") to Raspbian 8.0 ("Jessie") is fairly simple and only takes a few shell commands. We guide you through the process.
The Raspbian operating system [1] used with the Raspberry Pi is an unofficial port of a famous Linux community distribution known as Debian GNU/Linux [2]. The Raspbian developers start with the Debian base files and adapt the file collection, adding libraries, drivers, and other components as necessary to create an environment that is tailored for Raspberry Pi systems and their hardware.
Raspbian versions take their names from the Debian edition on which they are based. The latest version, Raspbian Jessie, is based on the Debian 8.0 "Jessie" release [3]. It typically takes some time for the Raspbian developers to adapt a Debian release. Raspbian's Jessie edition, which is part of the NOOBS DVD attached to this issue, just appeared recently, although Debian Jessie has been around for several months. Prior issues of Raspberry Pi Geek have included the previous Raspbian "Wheezy" edition. (Do the names sound familiar? All Debian editions are named for characters in the movie Toy Story.)
If you are currently running Raspbian Wheezy, the easiest way to upgrade to the Jessie version is to write the latest Raspbian image [4] to a new SD card. However, you might not want to replace your whole operating system. Perhaps you have spent some time installing the applications you need for your environment, and you like your files where you have them now – maybe you don't want to start over.
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