Adding analog input to the Pi using the Digispark

What's Next?

A next obvious step is to limit the number of times the user can try to guess the combination – say, to three tries. If the combination isn't guessed in the number of tries allocated, the system should send a message to the owner and lock up, for example, for 15 minutes. It should, however, continue giving the impression that it is letting the would-be intruder guess combinations until the cavalry arrives).

Additionally, once the combination has been guessed, the program should not just exit as it does now. It should allow the user either to reset or reprogram a new combination.

As far as hardware goes, you will almost certainly want to link the Pi up to a servomotor that drives a sliding bolt and screw everything to the doorjamb. Note that you should not connect a servo or any other kind of motor directly to your Raspberry Pi. If you do, you will most certainly fry your device.

If you want to be more aggressive, you could hook up the Pi to the air vents and flood the chamber occupied by the intruders with knock-out gas or wire it to a trapdoor at their feet and have them drop into the pool of ravenous sharks previously installed under your house. Some extra assembly may be necessary.


  1. MCP3008 analog-to-digital converter:
  2. Digispark development board:
  3. Adafruit:
  4. Digispark Arduino setup:
  5. Fritzing:

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