A Success Story
The Raspberry Pi has been around for four years now, and on March 5, 2016, its birthday was celebrated with a party held in Cambridge, England. We review the history of this British nanocomputer.
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The Raspberry Pi has been around for four years now, and on March 5, 2016, its birthday was celebrated with a party held in Cambridge, England. We review the history of this British nanocomputer.
The single-board Raspberry Pi came on the UK market about four years ago. At the time, its maker, Eben Upton, thought that around 10,000 of these little computers could be sold. In fact, more than eight million were sold in the 48 months following the first delivery, on February 29, 2012. In the meantime, the number of Rasp Pi owners has only grown [1]. This makes the small computer one of the most successful computers of all time.
In 2006, Upton became convinced of the need to teach young people programming skills. At the time he was finishing his PhD at the University of Cambridge and mentoring computer science prospective students. As a schoolboy in the 1980s, Upton had learned computer programming skills using the BBC Micro that was widely available in British schools at that time.
Once he started mentoring, Upton noticed huge gaps in knowledge among the students seeking admission to the Cambridge computer science department. Although they had basic knowledge in web design and HTML, they did not know how a computer functioned or how it looked on the inside. Also, the students were unable to handle either low-level assembly languages or higher-level programming languages.
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