Using your Pi as a VPN Gateway with an Access Point


Once all of the steps are completed, the Pi will send all data through a VPN tunnel. If the OpenVPN program crashes for some reason, then the firewall will make sure that no data slips through. Depending on the VPN service provider used, you will be able to protect yourself against tracking over the Internet and censorship. Ideally, you can extend the VPN gateway with Wifi, however mobile devices usually reveal your identity regardless of the configuration of your home network.

This can be prevented by means of a second VPN tunnel. To do this, you'll need to set up another VPN connection, for example with a second provider or another VPN server in another country. Then you can transmit the data packets from wifi0 to tun1. Mobile devices will then appear on the Internet with a different IP address to that of the Raspberry Pi. This lets you run critical services on the Pi without disclosing your identity via mobile devices on the VPN gateway.

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