Equip your Pi for slide and video presentations

Installing LibreOffice Impress

You don't need to install the entire LibreOffice suite on the Raspberry Pi. Instead, you can just load the Impress and Draw parts. Installation is easy using apt-get:

pi% sudo apt-get install libreoffice-impress
pi% sudo apt-get install libreoffice-draw

Once the packages are installed, you'll find LibreOffice Impress on the main Raspbian menu under Office. Draw works hand-in-hand with Impress.

Installing GUVCView

I initially tried using VLC to handle the video feed, but I found it way too slow and prone to odd behavior on the Raspberry Pi. The GUVCView utility had a much better response and didn't seem to crash.

To begin, plug in the webcam. You might have to reboot to get the Raspberry Pi to recognize the camera. Next, open a terminal and type:

pi% sudo apt-get update
pi% sudo apt-get install guvcview

Start GUVCView with the command:

pi% guvcview

Figure 3 shows the two GUVCView windows.

Figure 3: The GUVCView window and controls.

You should soon see the camera image and the GUVCView image control window on your screen.

The default screen resolution of 640x360 at 30fps worked very well. You can play around with the various controls to find the best picture quality and size. Be aware that running the Pi on "High Performance" (overclocked) mode with the video feed resolution at a high value could cause lockups of the mouse, keyboard, or video. You might have to reboot and adjust settings until you secure stable operation.

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