502IoT Shield for Raspberry Pi

Pi 2 Design claims their Pi2Embedded 502IoT shield "provides access to virtually any sensor technology on the market." The board provides connectors for 1-Wire, Grove, and PMOD devices and works with any 40-pin Raspberry Pi. The 502IoT includes the shield without a hard drive, a WiFi antenna, a USB-A to microUSB-B patch cable, and mounting hardware. Power supplies are also available separately. Pi 2 Design created the shield to be a low cost sensor hub for data collection, data storage, and network access. A version is also suitable for the Odroid C1+/C2.

Source: http://pi2design.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=ec78e744a1d10531d929d2eec&id=183667b459&e=e14c4864f4

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