Always in View
A digital information screen provides constantly updated information to viewers. All you will need to create one is a Raspberry Pi, the appropriate software, and a monitor.
Lead Image © Dietmar Hoepfl,
A digital information screen provides constantly updated information to viewers. All you will need to create one is a Raspberry Pi, the appropriate software, and a monitor.
The latest trend of digital signage involves distributing signs, announcements, and other information on digital screens instead of through billboards or printed information. These digital notices and advertisements are appearing all over – in streetcars, buses, shopping malls, universities, companies, city centers, and more.
If you would like to put together an info screen yourself, you will find that it's relatively easy and inexpensive to do. Aside from a monitor in the size of your choice, you will only need a Raspberry Pi, a few cables, and some free software.
The Screenly operating system provides a good foundation for a digital information screen. Two variations of the system are available: One is Screenly Pro, and the other is the open source edition known as Screenly OSE. I'll use Screenly OSE in this write-up.
Pages: 6
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