In with the New

I am new in the seat of editor-in-chief here at RPG, but I’ve been hanging around in the wings for some time now.

Hi, I'm new here… Sort of.

My name's Paul. You may have read some of the articles I've written on how to connect off-the-shelf inexpensive chips to the Raspberry Pi and to the Arduino to expand their features (there's one in this issue too). I have also hacked old toys, written code using block-based programming languages, and harped on about Minetest, a blocky sandbox, world-building game similar to Minecraft, but Minetest is open source and works waaay better on the Pi than the proprietary original. I also edit this true-blue Linux magazine called Ubuntu User [1] which is geared towards end users and people who discover Linux for the first time.

So, yes, I am new in the seat of editor-in-chief here, at RPG, but I've been hanging around in the wings for some time now.


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