Sending and receiving an SMS with the Raspberry Pi
Gammu and Gammu-SMSD represent two high performance and yet simple to operate packages for processing SMS messages on the Raspberry Pi. If you don't have a UMTS stick handy, then you can use a smartphone that has been connected to the Pi via Gammu or even via Bluetooth instead.
A Raspberry Pi running on a stable network opens up additional possibilities. Some service providers operate so-called SMS gateways [6]. These gateways offer an economical way to transmit an SMS message. In certain instances, the providers also let you receive incoming messages. The connection to the Raspberry Pi can be made via email, or the provider executes a predefined GET request on the customer's web server.
Thanks to a UMTS stick, smartphone and gateway, the Raspberry Pi can keep in touch with the rest of the world via SMS. Since this places only a minimal burden on the system, sufficient resources remain for more demanding activities.
- Creating a 3G hotspot with the Raspberry Pi by Bernhard Bablok, "Do it yourself", RPG 15/2016:
- Gammu:
- SMS-Server-Tools:
- Prepaid-Wiki:
- Interactive USSDs (Perl script):
- SMS Tutorial : What is an SMS Gateway? :
- Online -PDU-Konverter:
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