Create a streetcar with Lego Mindstorms components and a Raspberry Pi

Lead Image © ingaclemens,

Easy Street

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Wire Lego Mindstorms

The Lego Mindstorms components are very rugged, and because they work with standard Lego blocks, you can make some fun and amazing projects. Even if your Lego Mindstorms EV3 or NXT brick has died, all its sensors and motors will still work with your Raspberry Pi.

The Lego Windstorms EV3 and NXT components can be wired into your Rasp Pi (or Arduino) projects with the use of some custom adapters. If you are brave, you could cut one end off of the connector cables. Unfortunately, we didn't have any extra cables, so we took the safe route and used adapters; specifically, the breadboard version from Dexter Industries [2].

Using the following parts, we were able to make an automated streetcar (Figure 1):


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