Create a streetcar with Lego Mindstorms components and a Raspberry Pi
Node-RED Setup
Node-RED has been preinstalled on Raspbian Jesse since the November 2015 version. The base Node-RED installation includes support for the Rasp Pi GPIO, but many other useful libraries can also be installed [4]. To check that Node-RED is installed and working, go to a terminal window and enter:
node-red-start &
If you are able to run Node-RED, the next step is to install the Pimoroni Explorer HAT Pro node and a web dashboard node. Depending on your installation, you might need to load the Node Package Manager npm first:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install npm \curl -sS | bash cd ~/.node-red npm install node-red-contrib-explorerhat npm install node-red-dashboard
After you install these library nodes, you will need to restart your Rasp Pi. Once Node-RED restarts, you use a web browser to build applications. If you are working directly on your Rasp Pi, enter in the URL address bar of your browser.
Node-RED Control
To make a web-based manual control program, drag three button
nodes from the left node panel onto the center panel and wire them to an Explorer HAT
output node (Figure 5).
Double-click on a button node to open the edit window, which lets you configure the dashboard, labels, and button actions. To control the first Explorer HAT motor, enter the topic
. The payload is between -100
and 100
, which corresponds to full reverse and full forward, with 0
being stopped.
After you have finished configuring Node-RED, click the Deploy button at the top right in your browser window. Deploying will run your program and enable the web dashboards. To access the web dashboards enter: http://<your-ip-address>:1880/ui (Figure 6). If you are unsure of your IP address, go to a terminal window and enter ifconfig
(deprecated) or ip addr
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