First steps with Python programming

Don't be afraid of the snake: Python might look intimidating if you haven't done much programming before, but it's friendly. If you're using a text-based programming language for the first time, Python is a great choice. Raspberry Pi Foundation co-founder Eben Upton has called Python his favorite language for learning and development, and it's a natural next step after Scratch.

If you're an experienced programmer, you'll find that Python is powerful and helps you be productive. It's not just an educational language: Google hires Python programmers, and the language was used by Industrial Light and Magic in producing Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. With all those spaceships and light sabre fights, few people noticed the Python in the background.

Two different versions of Python are in popular use today, and the Raspberry Pi supports both of them. Python 3 is the latest version of Python, and it's the one that's being actively updated. The only reason not to use it is that some software you might want to use doesn't yet support Python 3. In those circumstances, retreat to Python 2.7. Most of the time you won't have to worry about which version you're using, but programs for Python 2.7 won't always work in Python 3 and vice versa.


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