Create a wearable video with Kdenlive

Lead Image © Dennis Cox,

Put It On

Kdenlive is an easy-to-use Linux video editor with a ton of features that let you create a short video for your Rasp Pi wearable.

Loyal readers may recall the Steampunk conference badge that I described a few issues back. It acts as a conversational icebreaker and promotional device when I speak at conferences. Version 1.0 had an Arduino Pro Mini and a 1.8-inch color LCD screen [1] in a Steampunk-themed frame that cycled through a few bit-mapped images.

Fast-forward to version 4.0. Now, the badge has evolved into a two-piece design sporting a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B (RPi2) [2], an Edimax WiFi adapter [3], remote access through SSH, and the capability to show 150MB videos easily at 30 frames per second. There's even a GPIO-controlled, pulsating "ozone tube" for enhanced attention-grabbing effect.

Being able to put a movie on the tiny screen leads to a new question: "Where do I get a video for my wearable conference badge?" Raspberry Pi Geek readers, of course, can create their own.


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