Display tiny movies on your Pi

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Show Time

Get a tiny color display working on a Raspberry Pi, so you can show your own movies.

In a recent Raspberry Pi Geek article [1], I showed how to make short videos for small, portable Raspberry Pi-powered devices, such as my fourth-generation Steampunk conference badge (Figure 1).

This time, I'll explain how to get that little 1.8-inch TFT color display [2] working on a Raspberry Pi, so you can show your own movies. Maybe you'd like to build your own conference badge, a video picture frame, or a small animated sign. The Rasp Pi is definitely fast enough to run videos at 30 frames per second on the little screen.

Parts of the System

My conference badge runs on a Raspberry Pi 2 (RPi2) Model B [3]. Fortunately, you can successfully use small TFT displays with the earlier Raspberry Pi 1 (RPi1) model B+, as well, by simply moving the microSD card, keyboard, mouse, and cables over to the RPi1 and then restarting everything. There's no lag or problems running videos with either model.


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