Show Time
Get a tiny color display working on a Raspberry Pi, so you can show your own movies.
Lead Image © Dietmar H pfl,
Get a tiny color display working on a Raspberry Pi, so you can show your own movies.
In a recent Raspberry Pi Geek article [1], I showed how to make short videos for small, portable Raspberry Pi-powered devices, such as my fourth-generation Steampunk conference badge (Figure 1).
This time, I'll explain how to get that little 1.8-inch TFT color display [2] working on a Raspberry Pi, so you can show your own movies. Maybe you'd like to build your own conference badge, a video picture frame, or a small animated sign. The Rasp Pi is definitely fast enough to run videos at 30 frames per second on the little screen.
My conference badge runs on a Raspberry Pi 2 (RPi2) Model B [3]. Fortunately, you can successfully use small TFT displays with the earlier Raspberry Pi 1 (RPi1) model B+, as well, by simply moving the microSD card, keyboard, mouse, and cables over to the RPi1 and then restarting everything. There's no lag or problems running videos with either model.
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