A home intrusion detection setup (sort of)

Lead Image © Daniel Villeneuve, 123RF.com

To Catch a Thief

At least part of the popularity of the Raspberry Pi can be attributed to its high maker value; that is, a skilled maker with a Pi can build marvelous and beautiful things. Me? Not so much, but I was willing to try to build a home security system with the stuff in my junk box. Here's what happened …

When I started this project, I literally did not know what I was getting into. My mindset was, "It has to work because I have all these bits and pieces, see?" My ignorance about everything I was going to build and program was an advantage. Because I had no idea how much work it would entail, I therefore had no reason to feel discouraged by the task ahead. All I knew was that I wanted to build a turret that scanned for intruders and, with that in mind, I started building.

The Rig

I built the rig, a kind of squat gantry turret with a rotating piece at the top (Figure 1), over the course of several days, scavenging from a set of beams and gears I had obtained from a Kickstarter project reward, an old Arduino set of sensors, a decommissioned webcam, and several bits of cardboard and Blu-Tack®.

I figured I'd solve each problem as I came across it, and I'd learn about each piece separately, before moving it into the final setup and going on to the next bit.


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