Using upribox to protect online privacy

Correctly gauging dangers on the Internet and taking the necessary steps to avoid them is an ongoing challenge. This is especially true for young users and those who are less technologically savvy. However, securing a single computer system by adding ad and tracking blockers and deactivating specific services and content is a relatively straightforward task.

Hardening the local network and mobile end devices like smartphones is not so straightforward, and many users find themselves out of their depth. Upribox [1] can offer assistance. Taking its name from the idea of a "usable privacy box," upribox is built with a Raspberry Pi 2 (RPi2) at its heart. Just a few mouse clicks create appropriate security solutions for a wide variety of scenarios.

The Idea

Upribox originated as a university project [2] with funding from the nonprofit Internet Foundation Austria (or IPA) and Netidee [3]. The goal of upribox is to protect the privacy of Internet users as efficiently as possible with an easy-to-operate solution built out of a combination of software and hardware.


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